The top nursing college in Wales, which also ranks 5th across the UK in the Complete University Guide 2023, might close its doors as part of a major overhaul planned by Cardiff University which would see 400 jobs axed.
Staff were left in shock after Cardiff University confirmed its proposals which entail the proposed closure of degree courses and academic schools including nursing, modern languages, music, ancient history, translation, religion, and theology pending a 90-day consultation.
On Cardiff University’s website, its prestigious nursing school prides itself on being the top ranked in Wales, as well as hailing its research, funding, facilities, location, and international nature. However, it's all now at a risk of closure due to the proposed cuts.
University and College Union representative Andy Williams told WalesOnline: "Everyone is shell-shocked at the scale of these cuts. These cuts will damage the university, the city, and Wales as well as our members." Read the biggest stories in Wales first by signing up to our daily newsletter here
Earlier tonight, the Welsh Government had said that it was ‘very disappointed’ that the proposed cuts would include nursing courses as well.
A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We understand the serious concern Cardiff University’s announcement will cause for people affected. Universities across the UK are facing a challenging financial period due to a range of factors and we expect all institutions to work with trade unions, staff and students on any proposals.
“Universities are independent institutions, but we are very disappointed that nursing courses form part of these proposals and we are working urgently with HEIW (Health Education and Improvement Wales) to ensure we train the same number of nurses in Wales.”
The announcement that Cardiff University’s nursing school could form part of the proposed cuts has also met with criticism from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), which represents 30,500 members across Wales. Its executive director for Wales, Helen Whyley, said the proposed cuts would have a 'significant impact on the future of nursing in Wales'.
In a statement, she said: “I am very concerned about Cardiff University’s proposal to close its School of Nursing. This proposal comes at a time when Wales is facing a severe nursing shortage, with thousands of vacancies placing immense pressure on an already overstretched workforce.
“Although the University has assured me that it is committed to honour places on this year’s nursing programmes, the proposed closure of such a prestigious institution programme will have a significant impact on the future of nursing in Wales. Its School of Nursing has a long-standing reputation for excellence producing highly skilled, compassionate nurses who have gone on to serve communities locally and across Wales.
“This decision has the potential to threaten the pipeline of registered nurses into the largest health board in Wales and undermines efforts to address the critical staffing crisis in the NHS and social care.
“In addition, there is a significant impact on nurse lectures and academics, both in terms of potential redundancies but also the infrastructure needed to educate significant numbers of students. The closure of these programmes would be a huge disappointment for the profession, local communities, and Wales. RCN Wales will be responding to the consultation.”
You can follow the live coverage of the cuts, and Cardiff University’s full statement regarding the proposal here.